Mo-Sqwee-Tos, that’s what my friend Agnes Asio, a/k/a Agnes
Number 1, calls the insects that my life
revolves around now. As of this writing,
I have about 60 bites all over my arms and legs. I have so many mo-sqwee-to bites that my back
broke out in hives and I had to do a Benadryl binge for a couple of days. My back is better and the Mo-sqwee-to bites
are improving daily.
On my first night in Kapuwai, Agnes #1 warned me about the necessity of sleeping
under the net every night and to always cover my legs when I am outside after
the mo-sqwee-tos come out, which is around 6 p.m. every night. Some nights they are so bad that I can’t sit
outside and talk with everyone while Agnes Number 3 cooks dinner for
everyone. I detest the nights I can’t
sit out with everyone – there is so much laughter here.
After I had been here about a week and was covered with
mo-sqwee-to bites head to toe, the women of PACODET determined that I must not
be securing my bed net properly. They
came into my apartment and showed me that after I get into bed I must check for
mo-sqwee-tos inside the net and then secure the net under the mattress. After that talk my mo-sqwee-to bite situation
improved markedly.
My friend Tom Barton is taking me on Thursday to the next
village over for their market day. The market at Kameke has these clay pots
that you put water into and through the magic of evaporative cooling, they cool
anything you put into them like a refrigerator. When I find a Coke, I’m going to buy about 60
of them. Of all the things I thought I
would miss from home, turns out that I miss soft drinks the most. On the average day I drink about 2 liters of
water. Before I left, I was drinking
that much Diet Coke everyday.
I can’t wait until Thursday.
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